Sunday, September 5, 2010

The Potter and the Clay by Barb Wirt

We continue in our attempt to discern God's will, God's direction, for our future through scripture. Today we traveled with the prophet Jeremiah to the Potter's House. There we found the potter reworking an earthen vessel that he felt was marred.

With a reminder that God is the potter and we are the clay we considered how God is reworking, reshaping us as individuals and as a congregation at Sunnyside.

We acknowledge that the earthen vessel of our lives at times has felt marred - maybe even cracked.

We compared the "doom and gloom" message of the Old Testament with the message of "love and grace" in the New Testament. Acknowledging that both are an important element of our faith heritage.

At the Potter's House Jeremish has a visual lesson in how the potter can shape and reshape the clay.

In the same way God,the master potter, can shape and reshape God's people.

While the skill of the potter can improve the outcome of even inferior clay, we who are made in God's own quality image need to remain pliable to the molding of the master potter's will.

This pliability may become more difficult as we grow older and more set in our beliefs.

Changes are evident in the neighborhood surrounding Sunyside. The demolition of the former St, Joseph Medical Center buildings are a notable example. What new areas of co-operation and ministry does that call us to?

The Stepping Stones discussions havel led us to voices of inquiry regarding new ways that God might be calling us as a congregation.

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